Ladies and gentlemen? Let us introduce you to the glory that is New Zealand wines from Sileni Estates. When in doubt, buy all their stuff. Srsly. Nigel Avery, our guest for this show, is from this New Zealand based winery, Sileni Estates, and taught us a bunch of stuff about his family, their wines, and…
About: Dawn
Author Archives: Dawn
White Wines (wha???) with Natalie Nowytski and Scott Keever
That’s right! A whole episode dedicated to white wines. Yup, the body snatchers finally got Lana and Dawn so they decided to focus on wines that go with holiday fare like chicken, turkey and the like. The opening of our newest episode features original music written and performed by Scott on Lana’s Steinway. Take that…
Halloween Candy Wine Pairing of Suffering and Misery
This episode of Screw It! began with high hopes for Lana and Dawn. We’ve all seen the charts and articles about pairing Halloween candy with wines and our fans have been posting them to our Facebooks. We decided, why not? This sounds like fun! IT WAS THE OPPOSITE OF FUN. Jena Young and Christopher Stenzel…
Wines from the Phoenix Theater with Laura McCullough and Kelly McCullough
(Had another technical issue getting our podcast to post on WordPress. We blame Kelly.) We are back at the Phoenix Theater to have the wines Mionetto Rose (“It’s not bad!”) and Coastal Ridge Cabernet (“It’s non-offensive!”) with Laura and Kelly McCullough! What is a gender researcher? Why is Kelly always wrong? How long will…
“Off the Vine” at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival
Wines from the Phoenix Theater with Windy Bowlsby and Chad Dutton

Frozen Wine Product with Jeff D. Larson and phillip andrew bennet low
(WordPress was being a jerk so here’s how the podcast file needed to be done this time.) (Also, my sd card fried and we lost all the super great pics of this episode. Curse you technology!!!) Why???? Why???? Why did we do this???? The answer? Duck Washington. Listen to us slowly lose the will…